Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Whipped Coconut Cream

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One of the first things people ask when they find out I'm vegan, after "How do you get enough protein?" is "Don't you miss desserts?"

The first question is ridiculous: I get more protein than most people who eat meat, in a far better nutritionally balanced diet.

The second question is more understandable. Eating out can be a challenge. It's become easy to buy sweets at Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Wegman's, and even most of the "normal" grocery stores now, however they always cost more than the "normal" sweets.

Fortunately, I've discovered a nice range of sweets I can make myself, from recipes that take about five minutes to confections that absorb half a day, but are way worth it.

My best discovery has been Whipped Coconut Cream. It takes about five minutes, is incredibly delicious, contains great health benefits, according to Dr.Granny, and makes any pie, ice cream, brownie, or cake better. I learned the recipe from a friend who is not vegan, but is allergic to milk. I modified it slightly, but it's pretty close to the way she taught me.

Would it be very wrong for me just to eat it with a spoon?
Whipped Coconut Cream

1 can coconut milk (note: make sure it is not the "light" variety)
1 T confectioner (powdered) sugar, vegan
1 t pure vanilla optional
1/8 C vegan yogurt optional

I found Native Forest at Stop & Shop
and Grace and Wegmans.
  1. Put the coconut milk can in the fridge. Leave it there for a few days: the ones with a higher solid content will separate faster, but others could take up to a week. Unfortunately, it's hard to tell which ones are thicker, so try a different brand each time until you find the best one.
  2. Open the can, being careful not to shake. Scoop out the solid coconut cream into a mixing bowl. You will see some coconut water on the bottom of the can. Save that if you like to drink it, or to use in cooking rice.
  3. Pour in the vanilla and yogurt, if desired. I like the yogurt flavor, but I find (ironically) that coconut yogurt tastes weird, so I use vegan soy yogurt. If you're going soy-free, you'll want to leave this out.
  4. Sprinkle in confectioner sugar and use an electric mixer to blend. Sometimes, if the coconut cream is very thick, it will clump, and I take a wood spoon and mash it until it will mix thoroughly.
  5. Scoop over your favorite dessert and serve. Num!
Check back for pumpkin pie recipe.
Last updated: 21 Feb. 2012

  • Dr.Granny. 10 Benefits of Coconut Milk. DrGranny.com. Web. 5 May, 2011. Accessed 21 Feb. 2012.

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